Welcome to the blog where I share techniques that help you work faster and more efficiently with Sibelius, so that we can do less and do it better.

Hyper Key to Harmony
Productivity Thomas Bryla Productivity Thomas Bryla

Hyper Key to Harmony

BetterTouchTool is by far the smallest app that does the heaviest workload, yet I spend the least time thinking about it. It’s an incredible bridge between input devices and the Mac, serving as both a macro app and a key ingredient in getting Shortcuts to work.

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Template 103: Edit Instruments
Productivity Thomas Bryla Productivity Thomas Bryla

Template 103: Edit Instruments

As mentioned in an earlier post about templates, if you need to make changes to any instruments regularly, it's best to do it globally and, preferably, within your template.

Let’s explore what this entails and why it’s beneficial.

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Bussed Transport
Productivity Thomas Bryla Productivity Thomas Bryla

Bussed Transport

If you’ve ever found yourself juggling an audio file or stems while working in Sibelius, you’ve probably experienced the frustration of hitting ‘space’ only to activate the play function in the wrong application. Then, switching to the other app to hit ‘space’ again, you realize you’ve now got both apps playing simultaneously.

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The Maestro Conducting
Productivity Thomas Bryla Productivity Thomas Bryla

The Maestro Conducting

6 to 8 cups of coffee in New York, the average American single-person household spending on food for 2-3 days, and according to this list, a lot of good stuff, and most importantly, not even two months of a Sibelius Ultimate subscription.

It’s also the cost of Keyboard Maestro.

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Appetizer Menus Minipost
Productivity Thomas Bryla Productivity Thomas Bryla

Appetizer Menus Minipost

As a serious automator, your primary focus should be to use your mouse as little as possible. This is both because it is a potential source of tendonitis and because it can be the slowest and weakest link in the precision chain.

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Templates 101: The Score
Productivity Thomas Bryla Productivity Thomas Bryla

Templates 101: The Score

If this blog is about doing less and having more time for making music, cultivating a habit of creating and maintaining a template can streamline the process of setting up each score. It's about consistently approaching tasks in the same manner every time you start or finish a project, thus only needing to do them once.

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